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This Week's Ordering Window Is Now Closed
We were closed the week of 11/13 to cook for our
big keto event and just offered a Thanksgiving item!
Please check back on Thursday evening each week for our new meals.
Sign up for our email list to ensure you receive the announcement!
We offer a recycling program and highly encourage your participation!
Please leave your washed meal prep containers in the fridge when picking up your orders.
We kindly ask that you double check them for food particles and grease before recycling.
Be sure your name is still printed on each container.
You will be credited 40 cents PER CONTAINER REUSED.
Container credits are issued at the beginning of each month for the month prior.
We will use your containers for your orders specifically!
Most Recent Item:
Keto Pumpkin Cheesecake
Ordering Window took place from 11/16-11/19

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